You have heard about my water heater dieing, well I mentioned It made a flood in my sewing room so in an effot to clean it up I plugged in some heaters and fans and my dehumidifier and consequently blew a fuse. And since the house is new to me and I was not throughly skilled in the art of relpacing such fuses. I simply ran extention cords from other areas in the house which had electricity to dry my damp room. I figured that when Jon got home he could restore power to that room. I had no idea that the outlet that my freezer was plugged into was on the same circit. and did not find out until a day and a half later when I saw the puddle of blood forming under the door of the freezer. Well this was too much. SO I called my mom and bawled and bellyached to her for two hours and in general blamed everything on Jon since he was gone hunting and leaving me to deal with this mess. (I know it is not his fault but I was in a meltdown mode)My dad came and restored power to my basement. (bless him) and we managed to get the meat freezing back down when it was still cold. The crazy part to this story, is that on Wednesday the day before the water heater decided to self combust I had decided to defrost and clean out that freezer and so
I did. and now I have a huge bloody mess in there that needs to be cleaned out. Poor Jon on Sunday morning after he got home I really let him have it and he had no clue as to what was wrong. Moral of the story, Jon didn't leave until wednesday night this week and is planning on coming home friday night (unless they shoot something). Oh by the way The twilight series has got me hooked.
Have a great week. Hopefully better than mine was last week.
Codys Missionary Adventures!
5 years ago