Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

nothing better to do

So Cindy, Julie, and of course myself. I guess we never have anything better to do than blog. I swear I will put a post on and with in 2 hours both of you have commented. I think I comment just as fast. So anyway Just thought I would put a timer on this and see how long it took before you dropped by. I'll be checking everyones blog again in two hours myself. LOL

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family pictures

Well, I mentioned to my photographer friend from Portland that our last family picture was when Maren was 1 1/2. So she drove up to Seattle to take our picture.

The black and white one is for Dad, since he spent most of my growing up life telling me to get my hair out of my eyes.

You can see a couple of the kids here:

We will probably have all the proofs this week sometime, but I am thinking the windy one will be our family portrait. Love you Dad.

Where are the pictures?

This is for those of you who had camaras at Trisha's halloween party.
You need to post some skeleton pictures on our site so that Cindy and Becky might be able to laugh at Senator Pailin, Lady Guenivere, The Maid, the Clown, Napolian Dinamite, Grapes, The new Mommy, Richard Simmons, Cuella DeVil, The Devil, and The Butterflies and all those other great people at the party.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Halloween

Just look how cute the kids are. Cindy and I look a tad bit cheesy. But Tasha and Kyle are just way too cute. Don't get me wrong I think they are adorable now, but I sure do miss the days when Kyle would kiss me on the cheek and say the sweetest things such as "Julie you are my best's friend." I have a feeling at age 12 kissing your aunt is not so cool. I guess we all have to get older sometime, growing up is a different story.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

bad hair day!!!

Cindy was complaining about how funny her hair looks in all of her pictures. The top picture is at the airport. I have no idea why my hair looks so bad. Unfortunately I am too old in the picture to blame it on mom. The bottom picture is proof that her hair has never looked as bad as Christmas morning hair. Especially Jon's. lol.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Turkey headbands

Do you think this is to big?
How do you like those feathers. ha ha he he!
I found this at Target for $1.00
I still don't know if it was a bargain or a money flusher.
(I bought it because of Shawna's posts)
(I truly believe she is the funniest in our Family)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Flood, fuse, freezer, = Monica has a meltdown

You have heard about my water heater dieing, well I mentioned It made a flood in my sewing room so in an effot to clean it up I plugged in some heaters and fans and my dehumidifier and consequently blew a fuse. And since the house is new to me and I was not throughly skilled in the art of relpacing such fuses. I simply ran extention cords from other areas in the house which had electricity to dry my damp room. I figured that when Jon got home he could restore power to that room. I had no idea that the outlet that my freezer was plugged into was on the same circit. and did not find out until a day and a half later when I saw the puddle of blood forming under the door of the freezer. Well this was too much. SO I called my mom and bawled and bellyached to her for two hours and in general blamed everything on Jon since he was gone hunting and leaving me to deal with this mess. (I know it is not his fault but I was in a meltdown mode)My dad came and restored power to my basement. (bless him) and we managed to get the meat freezing back down when it was still cold. The crazy part to this story, is that on Wednesday the day before the water heater decided to self combust I had decided to defrost and clean out that freezer and so
I did. and now I have a huge bloody mess in there that needs to be cleaned out. Poor Jon on Sunday morning after he got home I really let him have it and he had no clue as to what was wrong. Moral of the story, Jon didn't leave until wednesday night this week and is planning on coming home friday night (unless they shoot something). Oh by the way The twilight series has got me hooked.
Have a great week. Hopefully better than mine was last week.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sister For Sale

This Post is for my Sisters who come over to my site and don't even comment on my brilliance. LOL! We all know it's not you Julie so I will keep you but for the rest of you even those that are Sister in-laws beware you just might find yourself being shipped to the highest bidder. jk love ya all lots.

For Sale

One sister for sale!

One sister for sale!

One crying and spying young sister for sale!

I’m really not kidding,

So who’ll start the bidding?

Do I hear the dollar?

A nickel?

A penny?

Oh, isn’t there, isn’t there, isn’t there any

One kid that will buy this old sister for sale,

This crying and spying young sister for sale?

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Love Technology

Alright So Jon is gone Hunting Elk (again) On Thursday I realize that I have a flood in the basement and it takes me a little while to finally decided that the problem is my water heater has rusted out the bottom. So A telephone call and an internet banking ransfer of funds and I wrote out a check 2 hours later to the repair men as they carted away my dead water heater.
If it wasn't for technology I might have had to wait a day to get on the schedual and then the guys might have wasted an hour driving around trying to find my house. (they did call from their cell phone needing directions) and I would have had to load up my kids and hauled them into the bank to get the money to pay the blessed repair men.
And thank goodness for Elk and for Jon being gone. Otherwise he might have been home and had some hairbrained idea that he could fix it himself and for cheeper And I might have been without water for days. As it is the $680.00 is spent and gone and their is nothing he can do about it and Now I can get back to cleaning up the flooded sewing room.
So next time Jon leaves I am hopeing that whatever decides to break next is another one phone call fix. LOL.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

what a day!

So the kids had there first day of school that went pretty smoothly. And the afternoon with Andrew was very nice and quiet (he even took a nap) And then school was over Tasha had piano and literally 10 min. before I took Tasha to her lessons I noticed Callies ears. And soon realized that the backs of her earrings were embedded you couldn't even see them. I took her to the after hours clinic and they told me they wouldn't do anything. So I ended up in the Emergency room. When they took the earrings out it had left a nice sized hole the Doctor put a stitch in each ear. If you want to see pictures come over to my site. So what seemed like a pretty easy going day turned out to be a chaotic night. Oh and by the way Sam is in Mississippi.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

doing better

Jon is home now. I made them keep him in the hospital over night. and that was a good thing. He says he feels like a million bucks (whatever that is- I prefer dollars). He is still trying to figure out how to make it to elk camp this weekend. I think he is crazy but the season opens on saturday. so we will see how he is doing. I am trying to make him lay low but I can only do so much to control the man. Thank you all for your love and prayers.
Jon and Monica and crew.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So Jon is in the hospital tonight with pnomonia. He will survive but was really quite sick by the time he decided that yes he needed some medical help. It took what seemed like forever for the hospital to diagnose him. but the pain medication helped relieve his pain and he was able to sleep. They wanted to send him home but I put my foot down and told them they were keeping him. I am so glad I did, because when I saw him at 8:00 tonight he still looked aweful. He is in room 404 if any of the locals want to visit or call, and he has his cell. Keep him in your prayers please.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Reunion Fun

We have made some great memories and here are a few from our trip to Idaho! I wish I had some beach photos but I had too much fun to take pictures.
Love ya all and miss you already.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Call me

If any of you see this give me a call.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


To Mom or Julie, or Maybe anybody else.
We need to swap one of our children into someone elses car to and from the lake. We don't care who you want to take, you can pick your passanger. We have space in the camper for any of your junk-err stuff that you don't have room for in exchange. let me know sooner than later please.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm going on a trip and I'm taking...

A First Aid Kit. My big griddle. 4-wheelers, and helments. a bigger sized pot. a mosquitio zapper. ladderball. an air pump. my kids bikes(maybe). a long dinning table, a card table, 5 camp chairs, a 1 gallon pitcher for mixing drinks. a 10 gallon water cooler. some tools, jumper cables, 4 snot nosed children, 1 crying baby, a sweet husband, and a very tired mommy. all items subject to change. Nanette I am planning on useing your crockpot on Wednesday. FYI Ed and I traded breakfasts.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Family home evening assignments.

OK so here are the Family home evening assignments.
Don't froget to bring a skit, talent or magic show(that would be cool) or a show and tell itemor anything you want.

Opening Song: Cindy Hayward Family
Opening Prayer: Jon Woodin Family
Scripture: Julie Wilford Family
Lesson: Shawna Reynolds Family
Closing Song: Jason Woodin Family
Closing Prayer: Ed Woodin
Refreshments: Katherine and Fred Woodin

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Did you miss me

Ok, Cindy posting about how talented I am at my blog, made me finally get off my rear and get a google account.
We are all doing pretty good.
It was a tough week last week. Stiles was pretty sick with his asthma and some kind of virus and Kirk had injured himself the weekend before playing tennis.
His brother and him went for the same ball and his knee got the worst of it. It wasn't broken. The dr. thought it was possible that it was the acu, but Kirk didn't want to pay for an mri unless he had too. So they decided to give it a couple of weeks and see how it was. He was given a blessing that it would heal.
He hasn't been able to put any weight on it, until Friday. He still can't put a lot on it, but it is doing a lot better.
I told him that since he couldn't work, he was in charge of the kids' education and I was working, so I worked my tail off last week.
I sold a little about $100 and have a bunch of items to stock on Monday. Hopefully they will sell. I have also lined up a couple of coops (group sells), that will hopefully do well.
So things are looking better this week. Kirk is getting around better, Stiles seems healthier, I am not as stressed, and Maren is Maren as always.
BTW you are all invited Sunday at 6 for cake and sorbet for Stiles birthday.

Pictures say 1000 words

O.K. for all of you that made fun of my reunion pictures here is a picture for you I thought we could all use a laugh or two and for Jim please don't bust a gut.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

let's go dutch

Julie, we would like to switch you for a dinner if we can. We would like to do a dutch oven three meat dinner. (let me know if we can have dutch ovens up there) also if there is anyone that would let us borrow there dutch oven we need at least 2 maybe 3 besides the 2 we have.
And scince we are going dutch that means we will be dividing the cost. lol. jk.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

shirts are required

For my families olympic game I will need the pre planning help of all. I am requesting that You bring one t-shirt per person that you will easily recognize as belonging to you and yours even when tightly folded up. Rest assured your t-shirt will in no way be damaged and will be returned to you as soon as our olympic game is done. Upon our arrival at the lake I will be shortly requesting your T-shirt(s). Do not ask for details of my game I will not give any secrets out for those who would be trying to train for my event. You cheaters! ( P.S. I don't need shirts for those children who cannot yet dress themselves They will be listed in the hanycap bracket for my game.)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's in a name?

What Cindy Means
You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row.
You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality.

You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care.

Bee stings and pennies

O.K. so I have received this e-mail saying if you get a bee sting grab a penny and place it on the area stung for 15 min. and it will take away the pain and swelling plus the next day it will look like a little prick. So today one of the little girls got stung on her heel and luckily the stinger was sticking out so I pulled it out and proceeded to get a penny I placed it on her ankle for 15+min. and even before the 15 min. was up I touched the penny and was surprised that the penny was warm to touch. I don't know for sure if this works but the girl didn't complain or itch it didn't swell and I will know tomorrow if there is some truth to this myth.

Jon and Monica are finally here

So this is my first blogger experience. Wahoo. I think I am doing it right. Maybe not. We are planning on bringing our ATV's but only if the resort dosn't have a rule against us using them on the beach. Otherwise they will stay home.

Monday, July 28, 2008

OK I thought about it and I think we will do mailboxes. I will mail the name of your family to you. But I thought it would be best if we only did it on Tuesday, Wednsday and Thursday. So you will need to bring a box of some sort for your mail to be delivered to and 3 days worth of small items for the person/s you have.

I am going to draw names from a hat and put them straight in an envelope without looking at them and mail them to you. I will have McKinley look at the names to make sure I am not mailing you your own name but she won't Know what I am doing so she won't think to even try to remember.

I will try to get them in the mail today so you should get them in a couple of days.

I think I will mail Julie's and Shawna's to Katherines house to save me a couple of stamps.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Here is the letter I sent out a while ago in case any of you lost yours.

Blue Water Resort
Family Reunion
August 11 – 15, 2008

The time is soon approaching for our Family reunion. I hope you are all as excited as I am! Here are a few details you may need to know.

The Cost: $ 175.67 ($87.84 for Ed) (nothing for Kirk and Becky)
Due to me by the 8th of August. Or if you need to I will accept payments over a long or short period of time starting whenever you wish.

Where: Blue water resort, Yellow Beach house. 2126 South Bear Lake Blvd, Garden City, UT.

Sleeping Arrangements: Fred and Katherine will be in the cabin out back with Sam and Cindy and Ed and Andrew and maybe another child. Kirk and Becky will be in their own condo. Jon and Monica will be bringing Their Camper. Shawna and Marshall will be in one of the 2 bedrooms and Jim and Julie will be the other. Jason and Nanette will be in the living room on the couch and the Bed. And all other Children not listed will be in the living/ dining room where we can fit them on the floor. You will need to bring bedding/padding for the children sleeping on the floor.

Check in / check out: Monday @ 3:00 – Friday @ 11:00 (12:00 for RV sites)

What to Bring: *Yourselves,* bedding for those sleeping on the floor
*There are basic cooking utinsels there and a grill outside with furnished propane but there are no big pots or griddles so if you think you may need something that they don’t have for your meals you will want to bring it.
*The Mosquitos are supposed to be bad this yeay so bring plenty of bug spray.
*Beach stuff * a few camp chairs *bikes if you want them
*any games you might want to play, bocce, croquet, settlers, cards, candyland, twister whatever.

Meals: I think We will try and do What we did last year with the Meals. We will Make lunch and Dinner Stiles Friendly but they are on their own for Breakfast.
Monday: Dinner – Fred and Katherine
Tuesday: Breakfast – Ed
Lunch – Sam and Cindy
Dinner – Nanette and Jason
Wednesday: Breakfast – Jim and Julie
Lunch – Jon and Monica
Dinner – Shawna and Marshall
Thursday: Breakfast – Sam and Cindy
Lunch – Nanette and Jason
Dinner – Kirk and Becky
Friday: Breakfast – Jon and Monica
Lunch – on your own

More things to bring:
Fred And Katherine – 50 plastic spoons, 50 plastic forks, 50 plastic knives, roll of paper towels, roll of tin foil, dish clothes dish towels

Kirk and Becky – 50 plastic spoons, 50 plastic forks, 50 plastic knives, roll of paper towels, roll of saran wrap

Ed – 100 spoons, 100 paper plates roll of paper towels,

Sam and cindy – 100 spoons, 100 paper plates,roll of paper towels, 100 paper bowls, air pump, dish soap

Jason and Nanette – 100 forks, 100 paper plates,roll of paper towels, 100 paper bowls, bike pump, sharp knives,scrub brush

Jon and Monica – 100 forks, 100 paper plates, package og sandwich size zip lock bags, clothes line,

Jim and Julie – 100 forks 100 paper plates, package of quart size zip lock bags, package of large garbage bags (about 20)

Marshall and Shawna – 100 forks, 100 paper plates, package of gallon size zip lock bags, package of large garbage bags (about 20)

This Year there are not enough days to give each family 1 day to plan so if there is something you would like to do specifically, let me know so we can schedule it in. I expect you to tell me something you would like to do or else we will do nothing.

If there is something I left out (which I’m sure there is) let me know. And if you have any questions call me. If you would like to visit the website and see where it is that we are going the website is

Yesterday I woke up to little water pressure. I saw standing water in the back yard. I checked the basement but it was dry. There was no water near the house. When Fred got home I told him and he turned off the water to the sprinkler system. Jim came down and they found the break in the main sprinkler line. Then Julie and Jim went to the movie. Edward went downstairs to get a sleeping bag for Wesley and found three to five inches of water in the basement. We started taking things out with Lori's family and Terry's help. Fred was wet vacuuming the water and Terry told us to call the insurance company. I called them about ten p.m. and they called a restoration service who came out about midnight and was here until two a.m. They got most of the water out but this morning the carpets are still wet. The people said they would be back today some time. I hope this makes your day seem better than mine was yesterday. The basement has several tables we put up and put the dry boxes on them. It is a big mess.
Sorry, I meant to give out assignments for Family Home evening. I need you to volunteer for something. there is an assignment for each Family and If you don't volunteer for something within a couple of days I will assign things out. here are the jobs:

Opening song:
Opening Prayer:
Short Lesson:
Closing Song:
Closing Prayer:
Hey I finally made it here this is a great idea Shawna.

First of all I am bringing my 5 quart crock pot to the reunion and a large bowl. I also thought if people know what they are doing for thier meals to post it so we don't have spaghetti 3 nights in a row. I think I am having french dip sandwiches for dinner and chillie frito salad for lunch.

We are bringing Jason's fishing boat. Is anyone Bringing motorbikes, atv's I don't think we will have room for Jason's but maybe we will figure something out if anyone else is bringing thiers.

We don't have any kind of schedule for the reunion but this is what I was thinking so far. Monday night after we all get settled in and have dinner we will have family home evening and I thought it would be fun if each Family came up with a skit or a song or a talent of some sort. Then I thought Tuesday would be a great day to spend at the beach and in the water with Julie's water trampoline (I am so excited!!) and have a sand castle contest. There will be a prize. Then I thought Wednesday Morning could be free time till lunch. time to go biking, fishing, for a walk. to town, whatever. then after lunch I thought I would go off Shawnas Idea and have a woodin Olympic afternoon - evening. I would like each family to come up with a game, relay race or obstacle course or something or both. I do not have any Ideas for Friday yet so if you can think of something, let me know I am open to renting a boat, going through the caves again, or bloomington lake, or anything.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Here you go Cindy this is a little more tasteful. I wanted to show Shawna the reason we need her to bring a suture (sp?) kit.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

If your kids ask to ride a bike with aunt Julie say no way. Just ask Wesley. I removed the cut leg picture because Cindy couldn't quit looking at it. I think she uses it as a screen saver now.
Be careful Jon its steep. Fun times at Snoquomie tunnel.
Lots of food and fun. Timmy thought it was nap time instead of lunch time. Ed didn't know what to think in the midst of great confusion with the numberless concourses of children.

Kyle's goal is to become just like Jim. Good goal Kyle...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


What should we bring to the Reunion? We have the camp stove, Ice Cream Maker, 30ft x 30ft screen tent, bicycles, dutch ovens, hammock these are just a few of the items we could bring please let us know.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pioneer Days

Yeah for the pioneers!!! If for nothing else, at least they gave us a great day to celebrate. The Jon Woodins, Fred Woodins, Willfords, and Reynolds (minus Marshall and Jim) started the day out with a great parade. After that we headed up to the fairgrounds to chow down on corn on the cob, hot dogs, watermelon, cotton candy, snow cones, BBQ, and indian tacos. We then enjoyed the petting zoo, wagon rides, authentic indian drum, and Ryan even rode the mechanical bull (what a waste of five bucks). What a FUN day!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tasha's Poem

Tasha is at Girls camp. I hope she dosen't mind. Tasha has a great mind and is very creative with her words she has written poems, songs and short stories sometimes just for fun. I am very proud to be her mother.

You and your crew,
hang around you
But there are just a few,
Friends who don't like you
I'm sorry to say,
your going the wrong way
Don't do drugs or alcohol
walking down the hall
smoking some wheat
strutting down the street
drinking some beer
while looking in the mirror
And like I said
somethings wrong with your head
Good bye for now
but see you later!

Grandmas are just polished stones (diamonds)

You are our Diamond!! A sweet possession!
I just wanted to say how much fun we had with Grandma last month she was such a joy to have around. How ever the picture taking in the car was a bit bizzar. But to each there own...Brandon likes biting his toe nails. We visited the zoo like three times, went to a new park and had a hot dog roast. By the way I think Saturday we are having a yard Sale can you come up Mom?LOL! Tasha is at girls camp this week and I sure miss her!!!! This is all for now and I hope none of you get sick of hearing from me.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

Calling all Woodin's... and those who used to be Woodins. I thought we could start a family blog and keep each other up to date on what's going on in the world of Woodin's. I also thought we could use it to post events like reunion dates, birthday parties, and the such. Since we all have high speed internet there is no reason not to participate- you got that Jason. And I'm sure we can all enjoy the ramblings of Cindy since she is a proven bonafide blogger with a lot of blogs under her belt. Just post your email address under the comments and I'll try to figure out how to add us all as users to the blog.
Have a Great Day,