Monday, July 14, 2008

Welcome to the Jungle

Calling all Woodin's... and those who used to be Woodins. I thought we could start a family blog and keep each other up to date on what's going on in the world of Woodin's. I also thought we could use it to post events like reunion dates, birthday parties, and the such. Since we all have high speed internet there is no reason not to participate- you got that Jason. And I'm sure we can all enjoy the ramblings of Cindy since she is a proven bonafide blogger with a lot of blogs under her belt. Just post your email address under the comments and I'll try to figure out how to add us all as users to the blog.
Have a Great Day,


Julie said...

great idea Shawna!!

Cindy said...

Oh, Thanks. But you have all the good ideas!