Here is the letter I sent out a while ago in case any of you lost yours.
Blue Water Resort
Family Reunion
August 11 – 15, 2008
The time is soon approaching for our Family reunion. I hope you are all as excited as I am! Here are a few details you may need to know.
The Cost: $ 175.67 ($87.84 for Ed) (nothing for Kirk and Becky)
Due to me by the 8th of August. Or if you need to I will accept payments over a long or short period of time starting whenever you wish.
Where: Blue water resort, Yellow Beach house. 2126 South Bear Lake Blvd, Garden City, UT.
Sleeping Arrangements: Fred and Katherine will be in the cabin out back with Sam and Cindy and Ed and Andrew and maybe another child. Kirk and Becky will be in their own condo. Jon and Monica will be bringing Their Camper. Shawna and Marshall will be in one of the 2 bedrooms and Jim and Julie will be the other. Jason and Nanette will be in the living room on the couch and the Bed. And all other Children not listed will be in the living/ dining room where we can fit them on the floor. You will need to bring bedding/padding for the children sleeping on the floor.
Check in / check out: Monday @ 3:00 – Friday @ 11:00 (12:00 for RV sites)
What to Bring: *Yourselves,* bedding for those sleeping on the floor
*There are basic cooking utinsels there and a grill outside with furnished propane but there are no big pots or griddles so if you think you may need something that they don’t have for your meals you will want to bring it.
*The Mosquitos are supposed to be bad this yeay so bring plenty of bug spray.
*Beach stuff * a few camp chairs *bikes if you want them
*any games you might want to play, bocce, croquet, settlers, cards, candyland, twister whatever.
Meals: I think We will try and do What we did last year with the Meals. We will Make lunch and Dinner Stiles Friendly but they are on their own for Breakfast.
Monday: Dinner – Fred and Katherine
Tuesday: Breakfast – Ed
Lunch – Sam and Cindy
Dinner – Nanette and Jason
Wednesday: Breakfast – Jim and Julie
Lunch – Jon and Monica
Dinner – Shawna and Marshall
Thursday: Breakfast – Sam and Cindy
Lunch – Nanette and Jason
Dinner – Kirk and Becky
Friday: Breakfast – Jon and Monica
Lunch – on your own
More things to bring:
Fred And Katherine – 50 plastic spoons, 50 plastic forks, 50 plastic knives, roll of paper towels, roll of tin foil, dish clothes dish towels
Kirk and Becky – 50 plastic spoons, 50 plastic forks, 50 plastic knives, roll of paper towels, roll of saran wrap
Ed – 100 spoons, 100 paper plates roll of paper towels,
Sam and cindy – 100 spoons, 100 paper plates,roll of paper towels, 100 paper bowls, air pump, dish soap
Jason and Nanette – 100 forks, 100 paper plates,roll of paper towels, 100 paper bowls, bike pump, sharp knives,scrub brush
Jon and Monica – 100 forks, 100 paper plates, package og sandwich size zip lock bags, clothes line,
Jim and Julie – 100 forks 100 paper plates, package of quart size zip lock bags, package of large garbage bags (about 20)
Marshall and Shawna – 100 forks, 100 paper plates, package of gallon size zip lock bags, package of large garbage bags (about 20)
This Year there are not enough days to give each family 1 day to plan so if there is something you would like to do specifically, let me know so we can schedule it in. I expect you to tell me something you would like to do or else we will do nothing.
If there is something I left out (which I’m sure there is) let me know. And if you have any questions call me. If you would like to visit the website and see where it is that we are going the website is
Codys Missionary Adventures!
4 years ago
what are we doing with Becky's items? And I believe for breakfast we are going to make a breakfast casserole. Lunch we were going to make frito casserole how ever I think we will re-think that and maybe go with PB&J'S just kiddin we will come up with something.
For Dinner we are making breakfast frito casserole. Ha Ha Ha- I really am laughing out loud at myself right now. No I think we will make enchiladas. And mybe I will ask to move our dinner to thursday night so marshall can help me. Let me know if that is okay.
Hey my family lives on PB&J's. I think that is a pretty good idea. I was going to do those for breakfast but I think it makes a better lunch. Jim and I are taking Becky's dinner. Cindy you mentioned you like to do dinners if you want to trade me your lunch and you can do a dinner we can do that, but just be warned you will probably end up with PB&J's lol.
I am totally fine with pbj's as long as I have a tall glass of milk to go with it and Cindy, I can do something else for lunch if you want to do fritos. Just let me know and I am just going to get becky's things. I didn't have them bringing much stuff anyway. and breakfast frito caserole? I want the recipe
You are all nuts.
since our lunch is on the Woodin olympic day I thought I would try and do an oriental type dish to kick off the bejing/bear lake festvities. so I think I will go with pbj sandwiches and fritos as a side dish. Hee Hee Snort. No just a rice dish, not quite sure what yet. and then Breakfast on the last day will be a seven course meal or maybe just seven different choices of cereal. that is my plan. and Mom we can all be nuts because we didn't fall to far from the tree.
Ed and I traded breakfast. So on tuesday I am planning on serving sasage links and pancakes. we might do a few hash browns too. Lunch on wednesday will still be a rice dish but we are going to skip going oriental and do Hawaiian haystacks. Hawaii souns like more fun than China anyway.
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