Alright So Jon is gone Hunting Elk (again) On Thursday I realize that I have a flood in the basement and it takes me a little while to finally decided that the problem is my water heater has rusted out the bottom. So A telephone call and an internet banking ransfer of funds and I wrote out a check 2 hours later to the repair men as they carted away my dead water heater.
If it wasn't for technology I might have had to wait a day to get on the schedual and then the guys might have wasted an hour driving around trying to find my house. (they did call from their cell phone needing directions) and I would have had to load up my kids and hauled them into the bank to get the money to pay the blessed repair men.
And thank goodness for Elk and for Jon being gone. Otherwise he might have been home and had some hairbrained idea that he could fix it himself and for cheeper And I might have been without water for days. As it is the $680.00 is spent and gone and their is nothing he can do about it and Now I can get back to cleaning up the flooded sewing room.
So next time Jon leaves I am hopeing that whatever decides to break next is another one phone call fix. LOL.
Codys Missionary Adventures!
5 years ago
That is typical when ever Sam leaves something goes wrong or brakes. Or when Sam and I leave our house seems to like the idea of flooding. Luckily you had the money to transfer and get it fixed. Good luck with things until he returns.
What are bank transfers? I guess to use them you probably have to have money in the bank? That is where our problem starts. We just keep all of our fortunes under our pillows. A dollar doesn't disturb our sleep too bad. I'm glad you got a new water heater that is always nice.
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